
Below are the club by-laws, rules, additional rules for Stanford Lake, Competition Rules and the Constitution.

By Laws

Before fishing all members must be in procession of a current National Rivers Authority rod and line licence for each rod in use and all by-laws laid down by the National Rivers Authority shall apply to all persons fishing in Society waters.
Membership cards must be produced at the request of the Bailiff or other member of the Society on production of their authority or membership card.
No person shall fish in any Society water unless they are members of the Society or hold a current permit.
All members shall observe the closed season in all waters that apply. Members cannot fish from Stade Street Bridge to Ladies Walk Footbridge whilst rowboats are on the water.
The selling or bartering of fish or otherwise dispersing of, for commercial gain, by any member is strictly forbidden. Any exceptions must be approved by the Committee.
All fish must be handled with care and returned alive to the water at the end of the day. The taking of live fish for bait and the use of live fish for bait is strictly prohibited on Society waters. All large fish are to be laid on suitable soft material for unhooking purposes.
All fish over 5lbs may only be retained for a maximum of 2 hours in proper fish sacks or keep nets (minimum size 10ft long and 20inches wide) for weighing and witnessing purposes. They must then be returned to the water immediately.
Lure Fishing is permitted from West Hythe Dam to Giggers Green Bridge.
Coloured maggots may be used on Society waters but members are advised that aniline based dyes including Chrysoidine, Auromine and Rhodamine may be harmful to health.
All particle baits (e.g. seeds and nuts) are to be cooked before use.
A maximum of 3 rods per angler to be used on the canal.
In judging entries of fish in the cases of awards for the best specimen the Committee to have the full power to use their discretion. In the case of the C W Allen Cup and the Ron Webster Cup their decision will primarily be based on a comparison with the C.P.A.S. record for each species concerned. A list of record weights will be printed each season.
A spoon will not be awarded for a specimen fish, if that fish also qualifies for a trophy or a medal (see under medals).
If members holding trophies do not return them to the competition secretary by the 1st February he or she will be liable to a period of suspension from the Society as decided by the Committee.
Members are required to clear their swim of litter before and after they use the swim, and to take all litter home with them when they leave the fishery or to put it into one of the bins provided.
Any person seen discarding line/ tackle of any description shall be deemed to be committing a serious breech of club rules and will be brought before the Committee and will be suspended or expelled.
Members are not allowed to park cars between Twiss Road Bridge and Stade Street Bridge at any time.
All officials of the Society receive free membership (i.e. President, Vice President, Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon Competition Secretary and Committee).
Night fishing is not allowed on Society waters except for members. No Junior members are allowed to fish at night on any Society waters unless accompanied by an Adult Member.
Braided Leaders: Not to be used, i.e. Quicksilver, Dynon, Dacron etc. of any lengths, between reel and weight.
Hook Length: Quicksilver not to be used on hook length.
Fixed Rigs: i.e. where hook length cannot be fixed at all times to the main line, even after a breakage occurs. This also includes semi-fixed rigs used with a leader where the hook length tubing beads do not pass over the leader knot, so not allowing hook length to free itself from main line.
Hooks: No bent hook rigs to be used at any time.
Unhooking Mats: All carp anglers to possess an unhooking mat.
Bivvies: All bivvies should be dark green.
Anyone Pike fishing should be properly equipped with unhooking mat, forceps, adequate size landing net and minimum line of 15lbs.

No bait boats of any kind on ALL society waters

Additional Rules for Stanford Lake

The rules for the Stanford Lake are in addition to the existing club rules in the Society rule
book. Our bailiffs will regularly bailiff and all members are encouraged to act as bailiffs to
protect and preserve the water and it’s fish.

Parking behind every swim, except 1st Nov to 1st April.
No driving on the crop fields.
All cars must display a current CPAS car stickers.
Anglers must not be found discarding line, tackle or litter and must remove any found in
their swim.
Maximum 2 rods.
Courtesy to other anglers when fishing at all times.
Keep nets must be Carp fishery approved.
All carp anglers must have a minimum of 42” landing net and unhooking mat.
Barbed and micro barbed hooks for all Carp Anglers, pleasure anglers optional.
Maximum 2oz lead.
No fixed rigs.
No braided main line.
Dark green or black bivies permitted only.
Bivies must not restrict paths and access.
No spinning or lure fishing.
No fishing tackle to be left unattended in the water.
No reserving swims.
Juniors must be accompanied by a senior adult or concessionary member at all times and
must fish within 1 recognised swim of the member.
All fish must be handled with care and returned to the water.
The taking of live fish and the use of live fish for bait is strictly prohibited.
All particle baits i.e. seeds are to be cooked before use.
No nut baits.
No tins on water, all bait to be in plastic containers.
Dogs allowed but they must be kept on a lead and under control at all times. Dog mess
must be cleaned up immediately.
No boats of any kind allowed on the water.
No excessive use of floating baits.
No open fires or barbecues.
Fishing restricted to 48 hours.
No guest tickets available for this water.
No driving around lake from 1st November to 1st April or when the barrier is closed.

Additional Rules for Evegate Pond

The rules for Evegate Pond are in addition to the existing club rules in the Society rule book. Our bailiffs will regularly bailiff and all members are encouraged to act as bailiffs to protect and preserve the water and fish.
1. No Night fishing. (Dawn to Dusk only).
2. Members Only.
3. No Day Tickets or Guest Tickets.
4. All Members must Purchase a Key and Car Permit and
must display the permit.
5. Access to the Pond from Car Park only.
6. Gates must be kept locked after entry and exit.
7. Courtesy to other anglers when fishing at all times.
8. No fires or barbecues.
9. No Bait Boats of any kind.
10. No tins of any kind, all baits to be in plastic containers.
11. No excessive floating baits.
12. Restricted use of Ground bait and Pellets. No more
then 1kg of each.
13. No nut baits.
14. No Reserving Swims.
15. No fishing tackle to be left unattended in the water.
16. No Braid of any kind.
17. Hooks Barbless or Micro barbed only.
18. One Line only at any time.
19. All anglers must have landing net and unhooking mat. 20. Anglers must not be found discarding line, tackle or litter and must remove any found in their swim.
21. No spinning or lure fishing of any kind.
22. Dogs allowed but must be kept under control at all times. All mess must be clear up immediately.
23. No Driving around the pond at any time.
24. No parking by the pond unless you have a Blue Badge, but you can drop off your fishing tackle and return your car back to the car park.
25. From 1st November till 1st April you will not be able to drive down to the pond or if it is too wet during other months.
26. Juniors must be accompanied by senior adult or concessionary member at all times and must fish within 1 recognised swim of the member.
27. 12mm boilies or smaller only, no more than 2kg. 28. No keep nets matches only. Not to be put in 15mins before whistle.
29. Meat and Corn hook bait only.
30. No artificial baits. i.e. Bread – Maggots – Worm
Pellets-Meat – Corn.

Competition Rules

NFA Rules apply.
Competitions will be ?pegged down? (except the all night match) and the pegs must be returned to the Competition Secretary at the end of the competition.
Fishing will start and finish on the blast of a whistle or klaxon.
Fish will be weighed in at the competitors peg or at a fixed point as notified by the Competition Secretary before the competition.
Only one rod to be used at a time but other rods may be assembled. In the case of the Fur and Feather Competition, the Wagstaff and the all-night match two rods may be used at a time.
Members arriving late must report to the Competition Secretary.
No pre-baiting before the start of a competition. However you may plumb the depth and test your float providing you do not use a swim feeder.
In the case of disputes, any Officials or Committee Members present shall make a ruling. This will be final.
Only proper keepnets to be used. These to be minimum six feet in length, rectangular minimum 12 inches x 15 inches, round minimum 18 inches diameter.
Once a competition has started it shall continue for the stated time regardless of the weather
All competitions to be decided on points awarded as follows:-

  • 1st place 10 points down to 8th place 3 points,
  • Weighing in ? 2 points,
  • Members in attendance ? 1 point.

Pike will not be weighed in except in Pike only matches.
Only live fish can be weighed in.
A registered disabled angler may receive assistance when landing a fish.
If a specimen fish is caught in a competition the Competition Secretary may weigh it and return it to the water straight away.
No dead baiting allowed in competitions unless it is a designated pike match.
Fish hooked before the end of a competition must be landed within 15 minutes of the finishing whistle.


1. The Society shall be called ?CINQUE PORTS ANGLING SOCIETY?. Its objects shall be to improve and preserve fishing in all waters under its control and to promote and advance the art of angling.
2. The Society shall consist of President, Vice President, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Competition Secretary, a Committee of 9 two of which should be the Vice Chairman and Assistant Match Secretary, and Members.
3 The Headquarters of the Society shall be the Royal British Legion; St Leonard?s Road, Hythe, Kent or at such other place as the committee may decide.
4. Full membership of the Society is only open to residents of the Shepway District. Persons outside the Shepway District are eligible to become NON – RESIDENT MEMBERS and such members shall have no voting powers. Should any members lose his or her membership card, they must apply for another one from the secretary. Membership cards must be shown when re-applying for membership each fishing season.
5. The management of the Society shall be conducted by the Committee which shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Competition Secretary (The Officers) and nine full members (The Committee Members) all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
6. The President, Vice President, and Officers will retire annually at the AGM. Retiring persons are eligible for re election if they so desire. A Committee of nine members to contain three members elected to serve for three years, three members elected to serve two years and three members elected to serve one year. Three committee members will retire annually and are eligible for re-election if they so desire.
7. Should any Officer or Committee member resign or leave the Committee or the Society for any reason, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt a replacement until the next AGM.
8. All nominations for President, Vice President, the Officers and Committee members must be notified in writing to the secretary by 28th February preceding the AGM, such nominations to include the names and membership numbers of the proposer, seconder and the nominated person all of whom must be current members of the Society entitled to vote at AGM. The AGM will be held in April each year (unless the Committee decide on a different month) and the secretary will give at least 14 days notice in writing to all full members with a copy of the Agenda to be posted at the Society Headquarters at least 10 days before the date of the AGM.
9. The Officers and the Committee members detailed in rule 5 above will each have a vote at Committee meetings and five persons belonging to the Committee will form a quorum.
10. Any Committee members (as apposed to Officers) who fail to attend more than two consecutive Committee meetings without a satisfactory excuse will be deemed to have resigned and another member be co-opted as a Committee Member in their place.
11. a) There shall be six trustees of the Society save that a corporate body may be sole Trustee. The first Trustees shall be G. Munn, R. Macgregor, B. Garrard, R. Hayward, R. Nicholson and D. Mallet. Subsequent appointment of Trustees shall be by the Committee and verified at AGM.
b) Trustees shall hold officer until their death or resignation, or until removed from office by a resolution of the Committee ratifies at either the AGM or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.
c) All property of the Society ( except cash which will be under the control of Hon.Treasurer) including leases and fishing leases shall be vested in the Trustees to be dealt with by them as the Committee shall from time to time by resolution direct.
d) The Trustees shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Society against any risk and expense incurred by them in pursuance of their office
12. If a Senior Officer President, Vice President or Trustee of the Society is present at a Committee meeting he is to be offered the Chair as a matter of courtesy.
13. All Life Members of the Society should be issued a resident membership of the Society, allowing them voting rights at the AGM, whether they live in the Shepway area or not.
14. Members wishing to vote at the AGM must attend in person unless special arrangements have been made by the Society for them to vote by proxy.
15. Non resident members and Juniors are not allowed to take part in the running of the Society and are not allowed to vote at meetings.
16. At all meetings members must show their membership cards and I.D to gain admission and entitlement to vote.
17. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or by written request to the Hon. Secretary, signed by no less than 15 members and such request shall state the business required to be transacted at such a meeting and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting. At least 14 days notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given in writing by the secretary to all full members, with a copy of the Agenda to be posted at the Society?s Headquarters.
18. The Treasurer shall cause to be kept such accurate and proper books of accounts as will enable him or her at every AGM, or at such other times as may be required by the Committee upon reasonable notice to present to the Society a full and accurate report and statement concerning the finances of the Society.
19. An audit shall be made of the accounts annually. An auditor shall be appointed at the AGM who shall examine the accounts and see that all receipts and payments are duly entered and stated, and generally vouch for the correctness of the financial statement presented at the AGM. The financial year will be from the 1st January to the 31st December. Membership subscriptions will be from 1st May to the following 30th April.
20. The rates for annual subscriptions shall be fixed by the Committee provided that any increases are limited to a maximum of 10% above the previous season?s rates. Increases of more than 10% above the previous season?s rates have to be approved at AGM. Membership shall be divided into Senior, Junior (under the age of 17 at time of application), Intermediate (under the age of 18 at the time of application) and Concessionary (to include Senior Citizens and Disabled). Members wishing to apply for Concessionary memberships must produce a copy of their new Rod and Line Licence when applying to renew their membership each year. Membership cards will not be distributed to members until the subscription has been paid. Membership for Husband and Wife is available at a reduced rate providing they apply at the same time. There will be a half year membership for new Seniors members only, to run from 1st November to 30th April.
All members must complete a membership application form when joining the Society. Existing members must complete the renewal card on their old membership card thereafter. Applications for new membership (as apposed to renewal of membership) must be accompanied by two passport size photographs and an A5 stamped address envelope. Any deviation from this rule is at the Committees discretion.
21. In the event of the Society being disbanded due to circumstances beyond its control the assets and resources of the Society including all trophies, monies, equipment and miscellaneous effects shall be handed over to the Trustees who shall undertake the reasonable disposal of the same. The monies thereby raised shall be used to discharge any outstanding liabilities and any surplus shall be distributed to angling charities or bodies as the Trustees shall think fit.
22. No alterations or additions shall be made to these rules except at AGM or at a Special General Meeting specifically called for that purpose (see rule 17) and anything not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee who shall be empowered to make By?Laws, so long as they are not against the terms of the Constitution and the decision of the Committee in such matters shall be final.
23. In the event of any infringement of the Constitution or by-laws by a member, the Committee shall have the power to call for a full explanation from the member concerned and to take any appropriate action they think fit against the offending member.